問比翠修女(Sr. Briege Mckenna)的生平?

2007-11-27 4:18 am

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2007-11-30 9:16 pm
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The miracle life of healing Sister Briege


The life story of Sister Briege McKenna is a truly remarkable one. Warned by doctors that she would be confined to a wheelchair by rheumatoid arthritis, she was cured by a miracle. Now she uses her God-given healing powers to help others.
EVERYTHING is possible to God we say - Sister Briege McKenna knows that God can do the impossible. Some believe in the theory of miracles, Sr. Briege believes in the reality of miracles because she see them happen.
Sr. Briege has seen God intervene in the most remarkable ways since she was healed of crippling arthritis in 1970. Her own healing set her on a path that would take her to the ends of the earth - from huge rallies in Latin America to retreats in remote parts of Korea.
Briege McKenna was born in a remote part of Co. Armagh, Northern Ireland, on Pentecost Sunday in 1946.
Briege lost her mother when she was only 13. She remembers it well, "As I cried that night, I heard a voice say, 'don't worry, I'll take care of you'. The next morning I knew I wanted to be a nun," she says.
Briege went on to enter the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Clare in her hometown. She remembers her first vows vividly, "As I knelt in the chapel, waiting to be called up, I saw Jesus dressed as the Good Shepherd coming to me to take my hand, saying 'come with me'."
Briege had several assignments in different convents, but was heartbroken in 1965 when she learned that she had developed rheumatoid arthritis. She went to Florida in 1967 but her condition gradually deteriorated, "I cried with the pain, the doctor said that there was no hope for me and that before long I would be confined to a wheelchair". Meanwhile Sr. Briege also began to experience immense spiritual pain and dryness. "I even began to ask myself whether I really believed in Jesus," she revealed.
What happened next began a remarkable chapter in the life of this extraordinary woman. Sr. Briege explains: "I attended a retreat in December 1970. I listened to talks on the power of prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit. During the retreat I remember looking at the clock as I closed my eyes. It was 9:15am, December 9, 1970. The only prayer I said was 'Jesus, please help me'. At that moment, I felt a hand touch my head, I opened my eyes and no one was there, but there was a power going through my body. I looked down. My fingers had been stiff, but not deformed like my feet. There had been sores on my elbows. I looked at myself. My fingers were limber, the sores were gone and I could see that my feet, in sandals, were no longer deformed. I jumped up screaming, 'Jesus! You're really here'."
Since that fateful day Sr. Briege has never had arthritis and carries out her ministry with a breathtaking energy and enthusiasm that would leave most people exhausted!
2007-12-02 12:33 am
The life story of Sister Briege McKenna is a truly remarkable one. Warned by doctors that she would be confined to a wheelchair by rheumatoid arthritis, she was cured by a miracle. Now she uses her God-given healing powers to help others.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:35:14
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