runescape pk clan

2007-11-27 4:18 am
i want to join a pk clan and i am 82 lvl 65 att , 65 def , 70str and 64 magic.who can help me to join them?

回答 (3)

2007-12-05 5:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
香港最大最出名既runescape論壇myorc同nakuz都設有pk隊, 你可以加入其中一個, 佢地既網址為﹕

關於我對兩個論壇既意見, 請睇我另外一個yahoo knowledge既答案:
2007-11-29 8:17 pm
join my clan, my name(uesr) is pkdragonbone.
add me and talk to me.
cb lvl 86
att73 (almost 74)
str 75
def 60
prayer 45
hp 71
參考: me
2007-11-27 7:17 am
find it yourself in wildy

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