
2007-11-27 4:10 am

回答 (2)

2007-11-27 5:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
u can know if there's a new teeth underneath or not by x-ray. the dentist can then find out if that teeth is going to grow or not.

there's no dental service except removing teeth from the HK gov. dental service of HK gov is only for civil servant.

for private dental clinic, the price varies depending on which clinic and how big is the film u have to take.
a localized small 2 inches x-ray ~ $50 (cover a few teeth)
a full x-ray covering whole jaw and all teeth ~ $250
參考: personal experience
2007-11-27 4:31 am
牙齒照x光要幾多錢 ===150元,但唔知我會不會生出新牙 -不會呀

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