
2007-11-27 4:02 am
Hogging Hedgehogs
‘Won’t you trot a little faster?’said the hedgehog to the cat,
‘The slugs are sliming frothily, there are earwigs brown and fat,
The snails are ripe for picking,there’s a thousand grubs at least,
They are lurking in the compost heap,won’t you come and join the feast?
Will you,won’t you,will you,won’t you,will you join the feast?
Will you,won’t you,will you,won’t you,won’t you join the feast?

回答 (2)

2007-11-27 4:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
在大學時某教授曾唸過這段給我聽(不是你貼出來的這個改編版本,是《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》裡的原文)。我到現在還印象深刻,因為他唸得很動聽,節奏感很強,音調有重有弱,變化很多,聽上去活潑調皮。最後那兩句我最愛聽;will you 的 will 聲調上升(像 wheel)won’t you 時則把聲調降下。整體感覺就像在聽一首可愛幽默的歌謠~
參考: 個人經驗
2007-11-27 4:15 am
This is purely personal ...
like you said 一隻刺蝟邀請一隻貓去食蟲,蝸牛... the hedgehog should sound like he is looking forward to it, very happy.

‘Won’t you trot a little faster?’said the hedgehog to the cat,
[[[ hedgehog want to rush the cat to walk faster to get to the feast faster. so sound read in a fast happy tone.. like little kids rushing parents to go to arcade or sth]]

‘The slugs are sliming frothily, there are earwigs brown and fat,
The snails are ripe for picking,there’s a thousand grubs at least,
They are lurking in the compost heap,won’t you come and join the feast?
[[ slower than the first sentence. still happy. dreamy like. read it like as if ur describing something you love to someone.]]

Will you,won’t you,will you,won’t you,will you join the feast?
Will you,won’t you,will you,won’t you,won’t you join the feast?
[ gets faster n faster cause the hedgehog is getting more n more excited]]


hope it helps =]
參考: myself

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