
2007-11-27 3:59 am
材 料 : 2-3 隻茄子
1/2 斤豬肉碎
1 茶匙咸魚(蒸熟備用)

調味料 : 1 茶匙蠔油
1/2 茶匙生抽
1/2 茶匙老抽
2 茶匙蒜茸
1/2 茶匙豆瓣醬

做 法 : (1) 燒熟油將茄子炸透(約四分鐘),然後瀝油備用。
(2) 用蒜茸起鑊,放入豬肉碎炒香,再放入預先蒸
(3) 放入茄子及一碗上湯或水埋獻,最後放入蠔油,
(4) 再煮兩分鐘後熄火,放入預先燒紅的瓦煲及加

回答 (2)

2007-11-27 4:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Material: 2-3 eggplant 1/2 catty pork garrulous 1 teaspoon of salty fish (steams ripely spare) Seasoning: 1 teaspoon of oil 1/2 teaspoon lives pulls out 1/2 teaspoon always to pull out 2 teaspoon of garlics 1/2 teaspoon of thick bean sauce hotbed chive little Procedure: (1) burns the stand oil to explode thoroughly the eggplant (approximately four minutes), then drainings the oil spare. (2) with the garlic pot, puts in the pork garrulously to fry the fragrance, again puts in steams the ripe salty fish in advance, joins the thick bean sauce and the silk blends flavors, again fries to the dry body. (3) puts in on the eggplant and a bowl Tang Huoshui buries offers, finally puts in the oil, the sugar, lives pulls out and always reassigns the taste. After (4) two minutes flameouts, put in advance the heat tile and join the hotbed chive to cover the lid three minutes then.
2007-11-27 8:08 am
Material: 2-3 eggplant 1/2 catty pork garrulous 1 teaspoon of salty fish (steams ripely spare) Seasoning: 1 teaspoon of oil 1/2 teaspoon lives pulls out 1/2 teaspoon always to pull out 2 teaspoon of garlics 1/2 teaspoon of thick bean sauce hotbed chive little Procedure: (1) burns the stand oil to explode thoroughly the eggplant (approximately four minutes), then drainings the oil spare. (2) with the garlic pot, puts in the pork garrulously to fry the fragrance, again puts in steams the ripe salty fish in advance, joins the thick bean sauce and the silk blends flavors, again fries to the dry body. (3) puts in on the eggplant and a bowl Tang Huoshui buries offers, finally puts in the oil, the sugar, lives pulls out and always reassigns the taste. After (4) two minutes flameouts, put in advance the heat tile and join the hotbed chive to cover the lid three minutes then.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 00:59:27
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