energy supply in macau(10marks)

2007-11-27 3:48 am
about 100 words
energy supply in macau

回答 (1)

2007-11-30 9:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Macau's electric utility, Companhia de Electricidade de Macau-CEM, runs three power stations with a capacity of 488 MW. Most of its generators are powered by diesel fuel, meaning that the sharp increase in oil prices over the past few years has driven up its costs.


Macau Power Station (CMC)


Coloane A Power Station (CCA) on the Coloane Island


Coloane B Power Station (CCB) on the Coloane Island
GDSE said the government is also considering other uses for the fuel, including the construction of a city gas network to supply it directly to individual consumers and businesses. The tender closes on Feb. 10, 2006, and the energy bureau said it expects a decision in mid-2006.
The Macau power utility's major shareholders are French water and energy conglomerate Suez, Hong Kong infrastructure company NWS Holdings, and EDP-Electricidade de Portugal. The Macau government and a Chinese state-owned utility also hold small stakes.
The actual capacity of CEM’s generation consists of three power stations located respectively in the Macau City namely Macau Power Station (CMC) and two on the Coloane Island namely Coloane A Power Station (CCA) and Coloane B Power Station (CCB).
I hope this can help with your understanding. =)

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