[[[10分]]]f.3英文...used to/be use to

2007-11-27 3:41 am
我核知used to 同 be used to 有咩分別??

回答 (3)

2007-11-27 3:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
used to + verb = habit in the past

for example: I used to play football. (I do not paly it now)

be used to + verb +ing

For example:

John is used to going to school early in the morning. (habit now)
John was used to going to school early in the morning. (habit past)
2008-05-01 10:15 am
咁used to 同was used to 有咩分別?
2007-11-27 5:14 am
used to是用表示過去的一些習慣或動作,如:
She used to love cats but one attacked her and she doesn't like them anymore.(他曾經愛貓,但後來被一隻貓襲擊後,就不再愛了)
而be used to是習慣於的意思,如:
We're used to tourists here - we get thousands every year.(我們都習慣遊客──每年都有數千呢)
She was not used to speaking Cantonese.(她不習慣講廣東話)
Eventually you'll get/become used to the smells of the laboratory(他最後都習慣實驗室的氣味)
但要留意一點:used to後面是跟原形動詞(bare infinitive),而be used to後面要跟名詞或動名詞;最後used to或be used to並不發"d"意,而是發"t"音,

2007-11-26 21:35:11 補充:
be這個be可以用其變化形,如: am, is, are, was, were等

2007-11-27 08:11:38 補充:
is used to是現在式,而was used to是過去式如:He is used to studying late.他慣於讀書讀得很晚  He was used to studying late.他過去慣於讀書讀得很晚(即現在不是了)

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