pokemon cards

2007-11-26 11:42 pm
3 個問題
第1:pokemon cards deck 係唔唔係可以隨意混合之前既版本而沒有限制?如果有限制咁係
第2:delta 版既cards 可唔可以同dp 版既cards 進化?

回答 (1)

2007-12-02 7:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
pokemon deck cards:
It is up to you to mix anything but no more than 4 same things. i.e. you cannot have more than 4 zubats, cannot have more than 4 "gust of wind" (trainer card)You can have 30 trainer cards in your deck but will not be doing this right? (execpt energy cards)
Some competetions may ban some special cards, so be very careful with the competition guidelines.

Absolutely yes.
I have a oldest type of zubat and oldest golbat, and I can put my newly crobat on top of them!

I recommed grass type.
paralyed, poison, etc... (lol!)

2nd psychic
low weakness and confuse

of course each pokemon is different but get pokemon in the following ways:

balanced hp
weaknesses and ressitances
needs of energys (too many energy may not be a good choice if the power is not so good)
power of attacks (damaging chances)
conditions (poison, confused, burned, etc)
biproducts/damage (will you knock out yourself?)
ex? (knock out an ex pokemon can take 2 prize cards instead of 1)
high hp
rareness (loads of metal/dark pokemon is not good because metal/dark energy have little)
types of energy

happy tcg!
參考: me

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