
2007-11-26 7:20 pm
1) 點劃十字小聖號? 咩時候畫大? 咩時候畫細?
2) 邊喥啲web site有啲天主教嘅聖詩聽? 尤其是答唱詠......
3) 可唔可以幫我諗個聖名..... 女, 生日12月7日, 想D字頭, 或者其他特別啲都得......
many thanks~

回答 (1)

2007-11-26 9:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
【劃十字聖號的方法】 - 一般小聖號經是用右手合指從上而下,再由左而右地自額頭劃至胸,再自左肩劃至右肩,使兩條直線形成一個十字,同時左手平放在胸前,最後合拾。 - 神父讀福音時,在小聖號經前加劃三個十字在額頭、唇前和胸口,這三個十字同樣先上後下,先左後右地劃的。意思是:我們思慕福音、宣揚福音和愛慕福音。(取自天主教香港輔祭聯會手冊)

2)Here are some links of the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy in song by EWTN (divided in 3 parts: 1, 2 & 3)

Catholic music in a contemporary style, please check out http://www.myspace.com/johnangotti or http://www.johnangotti.com

Other websites.
Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music - The Musical Offering in MP3 http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/institutions_connected/sacmus/documents/rc_ic_sacmus_sound_en.html
Pontifical Musical Chorus of the Sistine Chapel http://www.vatican.va/news_services/liturgy/cap-mus-sistina/index.htm
The Classical Religious Mp3 Page - Classic Cat -http://www.classiccat.net/genres/religious.htm
天主教聖詩點唱站(頌恩和心頌midi) --- http://www.geocities.com/music_of_catholic/new_page_1.htm
Hope Publishing Company - Hymnals, Choral & Handbell Music --- http://www.hopepublishing.com/html/main.isx?sub=9&searchtype=catalog&category=Choral&start_point=651
Music Group Vocal --- http://www.buczynski.com/~don/DonsMp3/Mp3_GroupVocal.html
2005世青討論版版~ - 影音分享 - yam天空部落http://mymedia.yam.com/wyd2005

www.vocation.com - Audio --- http://www.vocation.com/content-n8v.htm
WYD08 :: Home :: ABOUT WYD08 :: WYD08 SONG --- http://www.wyd2008.org/index.php/en/about_wyd08/wyd08_song
Light of the World - Lumière du monde spiritandsong.com --- http://www.spiritandsong.com/store/music/11717
Photon : Music of Faith, Gifts from the Heart --- http://www.gophoton.com/

3) Here are some saint names beginning with D, I can't find any for December.

Listed are some saint names beginning with D. You might want to look at these websites as well.


St. Devota
Feastday: January 27 AD 303

Virgin martyr of Corsica, France, who was slain on the rack. Patroness of Corsica and Monaco, her relics are in Monaco on the Riviera di Ponente.

St. Dionysia
Feastday: May 15
1st century

Martyr, who died at the age of sixteen in Lampsacus, Mysia. Dionysia witnessed the trial of three Christians, Nichomacus, Peter, and Andrew. During a torture on the rack, Nichomacus recanted and denied Christ. Dionysia rebuked him for his cowardice and was arrested. She was tortured and turned over to three men for physical assault. An angel halted their advances, and Dionysia escaped. She did not flee the area, but went to the arena where Andrew and Peter hadjust died. There, she demanded martyrdom beside the two saints, but soldiers carried her to another site, where she died by the sword.

St. Dominica
Feastday: July 6

Martyr in Campania, Italy, during the reign of co-Emperor Diocletian . She is venerated in the East as having been martyred in Nicomedia. After wild beasts refused to harm her, she was beheaded.

St. Dorothy
Feastday: February 6

According to her apochryphal tradition, she was a resident of Caesarea, Cappadocia, who when she refused to sacrifice to the gods during Emperor Diocletian's persecution of the Christians, was tortured by the governor and ordered executed. On the way to the place of execution, she met a young lawyer, Theophilus, who mockingly asked her to send him fruits from "the garden" she had joyously announced she would soon be in. When she knelt for her execution, she prayed, and an angel with a basket of three roses and three apples, which she sent to Theophilus, telling him she would meet him in the garden. Theophilus was converted to Christianity and later was martyred. Her feast day is February 6th.

St. Dula
Feastday: March 25

Virgin martyr at Nicomedia, in Asia Minor, also called Theodula. The slave of a pagan soldier, Dula died defending her chastity.

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