
2007-11-26 8:19 am
他們是根據公司價值, 坊間消息, 技術分析, 還是其他? 主要是根據什麼來作決定?

最重要我想知, 基金經理會否根據技術分析來選股?
就像給無助的小女孩一點指路燈似的, 卻完全沒有實質支持..
也像在馬會裡, 細心分析六合彩趨勢來估下一期開什麼的叔父一樣, 十分可笑...(因為只要學過統計學的人就知道那是多麼傻)
我想知基金經理會否以技術分析作選股的考慮因素, 還是, 那只是給無知的小股民自玩自的星座圖...

當然, 我不是指整體趨勢和單日的陰陽joke, 因為這兩樣的確有指示作用, 但我覺得那些什麼第一二三浪, 什麼ABCD位, 什麼支持位等等, 那些真的很可笑...
要是操控大市的人(基金or大戶), 都不是根據那些指示來選股的話,
那麼, 散戶們靠看這些來選股真的很白痴...對不對?

回答 (1)

2007-11-26 8:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
I totally agree to what you said. Most of the technical analysis 技術分析 are used to explain something that already happened, hence it does not really give the users what would happen next. The short term movement is just as random as Mark Six and does not require any reasons but people love to put in their view to explain it.

Regarding the fund manager, fund manager would not use technical analysis to choose stocks to put into his portfolio. Fund manager has his own strategy linked with the fund. The strategy will be followed along the life time of the fund. The inclusion of any one stock would depend on many factors. e.g. the company is within the region or industry of the fund required, the fund manager feels that the management team is doing the right job, the potential of revenue growth and the risk associated.
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