麻煩幫我反一反譯 感激不盡 將中文盡量轉為英文

2007-11-26 5:45 am

回答 (3)

2007-12-02 11:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案

The thing that it is more odd to happen after they live in this room, for example, find a mysterious entry on wall. As him in accordance with going on the entry , go to the roof of this room openly. Have collected a case on the room. This case held a book originally. He takes this book to go down. Later, this book of this that he looked askance . Among them one page tells a bizarre entity . Having crossed it just, something strange has happened in the kitchen, a lot of things are destroyed and fallen down. The protagonist was at the scene at that time. Later his mother scolded him. Fine his enterprise in front of the door even more. Finally, he and he's brother found this bizarre entity in the desk.
參考: me
2007-11-26 8:34 am
When 佢 lives is e the room has the left many strange matters afterwards, for example, discovers a mystical entrance above the wall When 佢 depends on the fruit entrance to come up, on channel this room roof Was in room business has collected a box This fruit box originally installs a book 佢 carries the left this book to fall to go 佢 looks fruit this book afterwards Looks, page is narrates a monster Crossed soon, the kitchen has had the strange event, many is wild all 俾 destroys and drops down The lead was at that time the scene 佢 the tooth mother enters afterwards scolds left 佢 one meal Punishes 佢 is the entrance to business Finally, 佢 and 佢 the thin man is the desk presently the left this monster
2007-11-26 5:52 am
參考: yahoo字典

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