
2007-11-26 5:11 am
和為什麼雪和Tissues 是白色呢?

回答 (2)

2007-11-29 8:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
White objects are white. Because it reflects almost all range of visible light, as a result to our eyes the colour of the object seems white.
1. Vanilla is white just because it is white.
2. Copier paper is white because we want it to be white in order for us to write or print on it.
3. Rice is white because we like it to be white.
4. School uniform is white because school like it to be white.
5. Cloud is white because it reflects almost all range of visible light.
6. Hospital is white because in our mind white means clean and hygient.
7. Salt (NaCl) is white because it reflects almost all range of visible light.
8. Milk is white because it reflects almost all range of visible light.
9. Hygient products are white because in our mind white means clean and hygient.
10. Angels are white because we like it to be white.
11. White lie is white because the time is right.
12. You are right because it is right.
Snow is white because it reflects almost all light shine on it, so it seems to be white.
Tissues are white just because we want it to be white, (as there are tissues of many different colour available, like red, orange, yellow, green etc), we want it to be white just because in our mind, white means clean and hygient.
I hope this can help with your understanding. =)
參考: Myself
2007-12-06 5:05 am

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