apologize letter (20 marks)

2007-11-26 3:06 am
please give me the mathod
sorr for i do .....
will say i will do ...
Thank you

more information please


chinese please

回答 (2)

2007-11-27 2:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我五是好清楚你想寫的內容同埋是formal啊定是informal, 所有我寫左兩個sample比你參考。 第一封是informal﹐ 第2封是formal (這封來自internet, 以下網址).

224 Denison Ave.
Toronto, ON M4C 3B9
Tel: (905)447-0407 (你的地址&電話)

November 26, 2007 (今天日期)

Dear Chantel, (親愛的Chantel,)

I'm so sorry for what I said to you the other day. It was a mistake and I wanted you to know that I really didn't mean it. Is there anything I can do to make up for it? Again, I'm very sorry and I promise you it won't ever happen again. Will you forgive me?

(很對不起﹐ 我那天竟然對你說了那些話。 是我錯了﹐ 但我想你知道我並非真的那樣想。 有沒有什麼我可以做來補償呢﹖ 真的很對不起﹐ 我保證以後不會再發生了。 你可以原諒我嗎﹖)

Your friend,


5868 Maple Wood Street
Fairfield, PA 37626 (你的地址)

November 26, 2007 (日期)

Mr. Joseph Bicman
358 Noncook Road
John's Town, PA 57323 (對方名字&地址)

Dear Mr. Petrosky, (親愛的Petrosky先生)

I apologize for the mix-up of order #: 26429782. We have just implemented a new packaging system that still has a few bugs to be worked out, but we did fix your order and sent it out this morning. For your trouble, we have enclosed a $25 gift certificate which can be used at any of our stores. Once again I would like to apologize for the mix-up in your order and any inconveniences this may have caused you.

這封信我不翻譯了﹐ 我解釋一下格式吧。 1. 你首先要道歉﹐ 而且寫是為了什麼事情而道歉。 2. 解釋到底出來什麼問題。 然後你對於這件事情已經做了什麼樣的補償呢﹖(例如這裡說貨單搞錯了﹐ 但是現在已經搞番好了並且已經把貨物寄出。 這裡發信者同時也給予對方一張$25元的coupon作為補償)。 3. 再一次道歉並表明以後不會再把他們的貨單搞錯同埋對於這件事帶來的不便感到很抱歉。



Scott Mahoney (你個名﹐ 但是要用打字)
Customer Service Manager (你的職業)
2007-11-26 3:18 am
Your address
(The person's address)

Dear ______(the person you sd the letter to)

(The things you say)

The date

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