F.4 A maths一問

2007-11-26 1:37 am
If the equations x^2-4x+k=0 and 2x^2-3x+k=0 have a common root B, find the value of k .

ans:-5 or 0

請詳細解釋下喇.. thx^^

回答 (2)

2007-11-26 1:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Since B is the common root of x²-4x+k=0 and 2x²-3x+k=0
From (1): -k=B²-4B---(3)
From (2): -k=2B²-3B---(4)
Therefore B²-4B=2B²-3B
B=0 or B=-1
Sub B=0 into (3):
Therefore k=0
Sub B=-1 into (3):
Therefore k=5
Therefore k=-5 or k=0
2007-11-26 1:43 am
Let x2﹣4x+k=0..........(1 )

Subsititute x = a into both equations,
we have:
a2﹣4a = 2a2﹣3a
a2 + a = 0
a = 0 or a = -1

put x = 0 into (1) and (2),
k = 0

put x = -1 into (1),
1 + 4 + k = 0
k = -5

Therefore,the value of k is -5 or 0

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