唔識數學 -_- Form4的!唔該幫幫手

2007-11-26 12:16 am
A mobile telephone company processes 3600 messages every day. At present, each user is charged $1 for a message. The company expects in the future that for svery $0.1 increase in the service charge of a message, the decrease in number of calls os 120 per day.
If the service charge for a message is increase by $x in the future,find,in trems of x
 i) the new service charge for a message,
 ii) the expected number of messages per day,

回答 (1)

2007-11-26 12:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
(i) New service charge = $(1 + x)
(ii) Expected number of messages per day = 3600 - 120(x/0.1)
= 3600 - 1200x

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