
2007-11-25 11:17 pm
呎, e.g. 2000呎, what's the english of this?

回答 (2)

2007-11-25 11:26 pm
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呎的英文是 feet. 2000呎就自然是 Two Thousand Feet。但是某些加拿大人會講 Twenty Hundred Feet. 但是意思是一樣的。

順帶提一提,吋的英文是inch. 記住唷!!


2007-11-30 11:37:34 補充:
However, if you meant 一個單位的大細,你就要用square feet. 例如 Two Thousand Square feet. 這個用法也是非常普遍的。 =)
2007-11-26 8:35 pm
2000 feet if you are talking about length. If you are talking about an area (i.e. two-dimensional), it would be 2000 square feet.

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