F.2 mathz (just 1 question .easy)

2007-11-25 10:02 am
1)May and Peter estmated that China would win 32 and 14 gold medals respectively in the 2000 Olympic Game.Actually,China won 28 gold medals.
a)Find the percentage error of May's estimation.
b)Find the percentage error of Peter estimation.
c)Who has a more accurate estimation?

回答 (2)

2007-11-25 10:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
The percentage error of May's estimation
= [(32 - 28) / 28] x 100%
= (4/28) x 100%
= 14.2857..%
≈ 14.3% (correct to 3 sig. fig.)

The percentage error of Peter's estimation
= [(28 - 14) / 28] x 100%
= (14/28) x 100%
= 50%

May has a more accurate estimation. It is because the percentage error of May's estimation is smaller than Peter's.

If there is a mistake, please inform me.
參考: My Maths knowledge
2007-11-25 10:49 am
(a) The % error of May's estimation

(b) The % error of Peter's estimation
=0.14%(corr. to 2 d.p.)

(c) Mary has a more accurate estimation.

2007-11-25 02:51:49 補充:

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