
2007-11-25 9:20 am
想問下陳先生和李小姐在hsbc有個聯名戶口(有各自login, password and 保安器登入),但李小姐就用左佢自由行生的戶口申請了ipo, 咁陳先生可否在hsbc 裏申請呢?

回答 (2)

2007-11-27 12:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
if a joint name account - either party was already applied in their own name
then the join name account cannot apply anymore
a applied, then (a+b )cannot applied
b applied, then (a+b) cannot applied
a applied, then b (stand alone) account can apply
b applied, then a (stand alone) account can apply
so, in this scenario, if by law, then Mr Chan CANNOT use the JOINT name account to apply, unless Mr Chan use his SOLE account to apply, otherwise that's illegal (no matter what banks are using, e.g. even cross banks are still go with the above logic)

2007-11-26 16:43:05 補充:
the kind-hearted in the above level.... no offence, but since this is a regulation, if not sure, then better check before answer, coz that will turn one person to break the law and that's illegal
2007-11-25 9:45 am
Yes, if Mr Chan name never appeared in the IPO form of Ms Lee.

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