CHEMISTRY help? MOLE question?

2007-11-24 3:31 pm
A student made 15.4 g of ammonium sulphate from 0.2 moles of sulfuric acid.

H2SO4 (aq) + 2NH4OH (aq) ---> (NH4)2 SO4 (aq) + 2 H2O (l)

1. what is the mass of one mole of ammonium sulphate?

2. what mass of ammonium sulpahte can be made from 0.2 moles of sulphuric acid , according to the equation?

3. what was the percentage yield of ammoium sulphate obtained by the student?

回答 (3)

2007-11-24 4:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Mass of 1 mole =132.14
we get 0.2 moles of ammonium sulfate :
0.2 x 132.14 = 26.4 g
15.4 x 100 / 26.4 = 58.3 %
2007-11-25 2:23 am
Mass of a mole of (NH4)2SO4 is found by adding the atomic masses in the molecule.
mass of Nitrogen atom = 14 atomic mass units(amu)
mass of hydrogen atom = 1 amu
mass of sulphur atom = 32 amu
mass of oxygen atom = 16 amu
so the mass of the molecule = (2x14)+(8x1)+(1x32)+(4x16)
= 28+8+32+64 = 132
So the molar mass = 132 grams.
So,from the chemical, equation, 1 mole of sulphuric acid will produce one mole of ammonium sulphate (132 grams) and obviously 0.2 moles of sulphuric will produce 0.2 x 132 grams of amm.sulphate = 26.4 grams.
The student only got 15.4 grams so the yield was
(15.4/26.8) x 100% = close to 57%
_______________________________________________ Hope you can follow.
2007-11-27 12:54 am
1= .44 moles

mr of NH4OH is 35
grams to moles= divede by mr
so 15.4 divided by 35= .44

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