Level one wireless router set up

2007-11-25 7:07 am
Level one wireless router (WSK-1000)點set up?
要link 1PC
要1OR 2 LAN 線﹖

回答 (1)

2007-11-25 8:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Assuming you are connecting PC1 (desktop) and PC2 (laptop) to the router... the setup should be:
1, Insert the CD provided by Level One to the CD-ROM and run install.
2, Follow the instructions and it might then ask you to connect the modem to the router (Use the existing LAN cable connecting the modem to the PC). Unplug the LAN cable where it is now connecting to the PC1 and plug it into the router WAN.
3, Use a 2nd LAN cable to connect the router and PC1. Plug the LAN cable to router LAN port 1 and the other end to PC1 LAN card (also known as Network card or Ethernet Adapter)
4, Power up the Router and follow the instructions to configure the router.
5, Test internet connection by launching IE or the method provided by Level One
6, If no connectivity, check basic internet settings. If using Cable internet connection, select DHCP - auto configuration. If using DSL (telephone line), select PPPoE and type username and password (not the router username/password, your ISP username/password)
7, If PC2 will be connected wirelessly, follow the instructions to setup the wireless network and wireless security. If it will be direct connection, use a 3rd LAN cable connecting PC2 to router port 2
If you still have further questions, drop me a line and will provide futher help if needed
Here is what the connection should look like
Cable or Telephone Line --> Cable or DSL modem --> Router (WAN) --> PC1 (port 1) PC2 (port2)

2007-11-25 02:47:39 補充:
Of course modem has only one LAN and this is where you connect your modem to the router WAN.

2007-11-25 12:24:05 補充:
what is the problem? having problem with the setup? Refer to the following website for more details or send me an emailhttp://www.networkmagic.com/router-setup/setup.php
參考: Level One website and myself

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