URGENT~Taxation Question~how to compute property tax

2007-11-25 6:38 am
"Mr Lee purchased a flat on 1 July 2004, and the flat was let to Mr Kwan for a lease of two years from 1 July 2004. Mr Kwan would pay a premium of $360,000 at the commencement of the lease, and a monthly rent $20,000 per month.

Mr Kwan paid rent up to 30Nove,brt 2005, and he occupied the flat up to 31 May 2006, and disappeared from 1 June 2006. Mr Lee repossessed the flat on 31 July 2006, but he could not let the flat out until 1 April 2007.

是否業主不用交差餉? 是否有以下幾個月的irrecoverable rent? 12/05 - 03/06 04/06 - 06/06

回答 (1)

2007-11-26 7:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Rental income $180,000
Premiun $135,000
Total rental income $315,000
Less : 20% statutory repairs and maintenance ( $63,000)
Net assessable income $252,000
Property tax due for 2004/2005 15% $37,800
Total rental income $240,000
Premium $180,000
Total income $420,000
Less: 20% statutory repairs ($84,000)
Net asessable income $336,000
Property tax due for 2005/2006 15% $50,400

Rental income $60,000
Premium $45,000
Total income $105,000
Less: Bad debts -2005/2006 ($80,000)
Less: Bad debts -2006/2007 ($60,000)
Total income ($35,000)
Property tax refund for 2006/2007 15% $5,250
Depend on the rental agreement. Usually the Landlord has to pay the "Government Rates".

是否有以下幾個月的irrecoverable rent?
12/05 - 03/06
Bad debts

04/06 - 06/06
Bad debts

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 21:59:56
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