
2007-11-25 6:05 am
會考完之後, 不論成績如何.
我不想加重家庭負擔. 所以半工讀是我唯一的選擇.
這就是我就演講 ..多謝

回答 (3)

2007-12-04 1:05 am
After area-wide student examination, no matter result how. Because of the family question, I may not the full-time employment study because I can make a fresh start study have the interest already profession to me, design profession! Develops in the design profession, I knew the design curriculum expense is extremely expensive. I do not want to aggravate the family responsibilities. Therefore partly works part-time and study part-time is my only choice. This is I on the lecture. Many thanks
2007-11-28 9:51 pm
會考完之後, 不論成績如何.
我不想加重家庭負擔. 所以半工讀是我唯一的選擇.
這就是我就演講 ..多謝

After the nationwide examination for graduation qualification finishes, regardless of achievement.
Because of family, I can not study full-timly
Because I will resume studying and already interested ined the trade to me
,Design the trade!
Develop in designing the trade, know I by course design the expenseses the getting more expensive very.,
I do not want to aggravate the family burden . It is my only choice to be half probational.
This is that I lecture .. Thank
參考: me
2007-11-25 6:31 am
After the nationwide examination for graduation qualification finishes, regardless of achievement.Because of family, I can not study full-timely because I will resume studying and already interested ined the trade to me, design the trade!Develop in designing the trade, I know design course the expenseses the getting more expensive very.,I do not want to aggravate the family burden.It is my only choice to be half probational.This is that I lecture..Thank
參考: Dr.eye

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