中譯英! 急!! thz!

2007-11-24 2:21 pm
離職原因: 近1年來加班嚴重, 流失率太高以至長期人手不足, 非常吃力.
工作範圍: 幫客人特別包裝, 貨品陳列, 上貨點貨, 推銷貨品.
語文能力: 廣東話, 普通話, 普通英語會話

只要文法正確, 簡單英文就可以la, 怕寫得太好人哋唔信呀>,< , 仲有我想問一問求職信下款用your sincerely 定用your faithfully 呀? 定是但一個都得呢??

回答 (9)

2007-11-24 4:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have 6 years working experience in retail field. And I can report job duty immediately.

離職原因: 近1年來加班嚴重, 流失率太高以至長期人手不足, 非常吃力.
(actually it is not suggested to badmonth your previous employer, and no need to put in the resume. Just answer in the interview in case they ask. Suggest to say something positive, e.g. looking for a change, learn something new, etc)

工作範圍: 幫客人特別包裝, 貨品陳列, 上貨點貨, 推銷貨品.
Role & responsibility: packing, put stocks on rack, stock taking, and marketing.

語文能力: 廣東話, 普通話, 普通英語會話
Language: I am proficiency in Cantonese, fair in spoken English and fair in Mandarin.

You may use your sincerely or your faithfully. Both are ok.
2007-11-25 12:00 am
I have 6 years retail sales experience and I may go to work immediately Leaves job the reason: In the recent 1 year works overtime seriously, draining rate too high down to long-term manpower insufficient, is extremely strenuous Operating region: 幫客 the person specially packs, the goods exhibition, stocks merchandise inventories, sales promotion goods Language ability: Cantonese, standard spoken Chinese, ordinary English conversation
2007-11-24 5:26 pm
我唔譯 lu .. 好驚錯 .. 唔想累左你 ..
不過我知點用 your sincerely 同埋 your faithfully ..

當你要記俾一個你唔知係邊個既人 ..
例如係 Dear sir/Madam .. 或者係 Dear manager ..
咁就用 your faithfully ..

當你要記俾一個你唔知好知係乜水既人 .. 但你知佢叫咩名 ..
例如係 .. Dear Donald Tang (想記俾曾任權搵份工做 .. 但同佢完全唔熟 .. 靜係知記佢個名)
咁就可以用 your sincerely ..
當然 .. 你記俾 d 通過幾次信 .. 但仲係唔多 fd 果 d 人既時候都可以用 your sincerely ..

記俾 d 好熟既 fd 就可以用 yours 果 d ..

我講既野一定岩 .. 因為岩岩先教完 ..
而且我仲 check 過幾次 ..
祝你搵工成工 !!
參考: 自己
2007-11-24 4:54 pm
Relevant Experience: 6 years in retail sales including stock management, shop decoration
Language: Cantonese, Putonghua, English


下款用Yours sincerely較為professional.如果你寫求職信或覆歷, 可參考下列網址

參考: 自已及Career times
2007-11-24 4:05 pm
I have 6 years retail sales experience and I may go to work immediately.
The reason for leave the job: In the recent 1 year works overtime seriously, draining rate too high down to long-term manpower insufficient, is extremely strenuous
Operating region: Help the customers specially packs, the goods exhibition, stocks merchandise inventories, sales promotion goods
Language ability: Cantonese, Putonghua, ordinary English conversation

參考: me
2007-11-24 4:02 pm
I have six years of retail sales experience and if I am appointed I may start this job immediately.

Reasons for Resignation: Due to manpower shortage, I have been working overtime continuously and it was laborious.

Job Duties: Displaying iItems on shelf, stocktaking on regular basis, promoting, wrapping & packaging Items for customers

Language Ability: Cantonese, Mandarin, Fair English

Yours sincerely will be approapriate
2007-11-24 3:36 pm
I have six years extensive experience in retail sales and if I am appointed I may start this job immediately.

Reasons for Resignation: Due to manpower shortage, I have taken a lot of responsibilities and working overtime seriously.

Job Duties: Displaying iItems on shelf, stocktaking on regular basis, promoting, wrapping & packaging Items for customers

Language Ability: Cantonese, Mandarin, Fair English

Yours sincerely (more warm and sincere!)
2007-11-24 3:23 pm
I have 6 years retail sales experience and I may go to work immediately.
The reason for leave the job: In the recent 1 year works overtime seriously, draining rate too high down to long-term manpower insufficient, is extremely strenuous
Operating region: Help the customers specially packs, the goods exhibition, stocks merchandise inventories, sales promotion goods
Language ability: Cantonese, Putonghua, ordinary English conversation

[用 your faithfully better ]
參考: me
2007-11-24 3:05 pm
I have 6 years retail sales experience and I may go to work immediately
Leaves job the reason: In the recent 1 year works overtime seriously, draining rate too high down to long-term manpower insufficient, is extremely strenuous.
Operating region: Customer packing, the goods exhibition, stocks merchandise inventories, sales promotion goods.
Language ability: Cantonese, Mandarin, ordinary English conversation
我想求職信下款用 your faithfully .
參考: ME

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