
2007-11-24 9:08 am


回答 (3)

2007-11-24 1:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 What day is it for the 1st of this month?
e.g. It is Monday for the lst of this month.

2 What day is it for the lst of last month?
e.g. It is Monday for the 1st of last month.

3) What day is it for the lst of next month?
e.g. It is Monday for the lst of next month.

Please pay attention on every complete sentence. It should have:


e.g. IT + IS + MONDAY.

Also, we should use present tense for such questions.

2007-11-24 05:39:37 補充:
Or you can say:1 What day is the 1st of this month? e.g. The 1st of this month is Monday.2 What day is the 1st of last month? e.g. The 1st of last month is Monday.3 What day is the 1st of next month? e.g. The 1st of next month is Monday.
2007-11-24 11:28 am
1. What day was the first day of the month?
2. What day was the first day of last month?
3. What day is the first day of next month?
2007-11-24 10:38 am
今個月一號是星期幾?What day was it the first date of this month?

上個月一號是星期幾?What day was it the first date of last month?

下個月一號是星期幾?What day was it the first date oaf next month?

2007-11-24 02:39:04 補充:
Typing error:下個月一號是星期幾?What day was it the first date of next month?
參考: I live and study in the US

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