vista notebook , 自己install xp 係咪唔得 ?

2007-11-24 7:12 am
1/ 聽人講會install 唔到.
2/ 用到, 但some drive 會用唔到
3/ 用到, 但日日hand 機

邊個真 ?

回答 (2)

2007-11-24 9:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You can install XP on your notebook. But before you do this, you have to prepare (download) all drivers which are XP compatiable and then put them into a place that is NOT in your vista system partition or burn them into a CD. Then reboot the notebook with XP disc and then follows the guides from the screen. Format the partition / drive that your vista is installed and then you can install XP. After the installation, install all drivers or direct the popup path, if any, to your drivers directory. Then Finish!!!
2007-11-25 8:33 am
2/ 用到, 但some drive 會用唔到

上綱搵齊所有driver 先install xp.
但一定要burn 左隻recover disk 出黎先, 萬一install xp 搞唔掂, 都可以用recover disk救命.
參考: 自己

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