I want know the relief and climate of...in English(10marks)

2007-11-24 6:00 am
I want know the relief and climate of Mongolia , Tibet and Hong Kong, must be detailed and in English!!!

回答 (3)

2007-11-25 10:18 pm
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Hong Kong - relief
Victoria Harbour is one of the deepest natural maritime ports in the world. Much of the territory remains undeveloped as the terrain in Hong Kong is mostly hilly to mountainous with steep slopes. About 40% of the landmass reserved as country parks and nature reserves.
Hong Kong's long, irregular and curvaceous coastline also affords the territory with many bays, rivers and beaches. The highest elevation in the territory is at Tai Mo Shan, at a height of 958 metres above sea level. Lowlands exist in the northwestern part of the New Territories.

Hong Kong - climate
Hong Kong's climate is subtropical and, for nearly half the year, tends toward temperate. Hong Kong is most likely to be affected by tropical cyclones. An average of about 31 tropical cyclones form in the western North Pacific or China Seas yearly, half of them reaching typhoon strength. Winds increase and rain becomes heavy and widespread when the centre of a cyclone comes close to the city; the heavy rain may last for a few days, the subsequent landslips and flooding may cause more damage than the winds.
The territory is situated just south of the Tropic of Cancer, a similar latitude to Hawaii. In winter, strong and cold winds generate from the north cool the city; in the summer, the wind's prevailing direction changes and brings the warm and humid air in from the southwest. This climate can support a tropical rainforest.

Mongolia - relief
The geography of Mongolia is varied with the Gobi desert to the south and with cold and mountainous regions to the north and west. Mongolia consists of relatively flat steppes. The highest point in Mongolia is the Khuiten in the Tavan bogd massif in the far west at 4,374 m. The basin of the lake Uvs Nuur, shared with Tuva Republic in Russia, is a natural World Heritage Site.

Mongolia - climate
Most of the country is hot in the summer and extremely cold in the winter, with January averages dropping as low as -30°C. The country is also subject to occasional harsh climatic conditions known as zud. Ulaanbaatar has the coldest average temperature of any national capital in the world. Mongolia is high, cold, and windy. It has an extreme continental climate with long, cold winters and short summers, during which most of its annual precipitation falls. The country averages 257 cloudless days a year, and it is usually at the center of a region of high atmospheric pressure. Precipitation is highest in the north (average of 20 to 35 centimeters per year) and lowest in the south, which receives 10 to 20 centimeters annually. The extreme south is the Gobi, some regions of which receive no precipitation at all in most years.

Tibet - Relief
Tibet is located on the Tibetan Plateau, the world's highest region. Most of the Himalaya mountain range, one of the youngest mountain ranges in the world at only 4 million years old, lies within Tibet. Its most famous peak, Mount Everest, is on Nepal's border with Tibet. The average altitude is about 3,000 m in the south and 4,500 m in the north. At 1,564,116 km², Mongolia is the world's nineteenth-largest country (after Iran). It is significantly larger than the next-largest country, Peru.

Tibet - Climate
The atmosphere is severely dry nine months of the year, and average snowfall is only 18 inches, due to the rain shadow effect whereby mountain ranges prevent moisture from the ocean from reaching the plateaus. Western passes receive small amounts of fresh snow each year but remain traversable all year round. Low temperatures are prevalent throughout these western regions, where bleak desolation is unrelieved by any vegetation beyond the size of low bushes, and where wind sweeps unchecked across vast expanses of arid plain. The Indian monsoon exerts some influence on eastern Tibet. Northern Tibet is subject to high temperatures in the summer and intense cold in the winter.
2007-11-24 6:52 am
Mongolia is a highland. There are 2 seasons, summer and winter. The climate is cold and dry in winter, while it is hot and a little bit wet in summer.
2007-11-24 6:36 am
Hong Kong;Hong Kong consists of three territories.The Homg Kong Island,Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories.There are many islands and bays.The costline of Hong Kong is long and irregular.The highland is located at the eastern and southern parts of Hong Kong.The Tai Mo Shanis the highest peakin Hong Kong.Hong Kong is hilly with little flatland.

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