我睇中左3部車 , 3

2007-11-24 5:16 am
我睇中左3部車 , >3< 心大心細

第一部 mazda3 s 見佢新得黍唔係貴 , 都有150hp

第2 部 will vs 佢個樣好型 , 水貨有190hp

第3部 honda cl7

唔知以上3部邊部好 ...

回答 (2)

2007-11-25 12:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you have to pick one in your list, Mazda 3S

It handlesa well, interior is magnificent, comfortable, not as fast as 2 of the others, but it is quite well to drive...
2 of the others are not bad cars at all, just because they are not from official retailer, not paying a lot of trust to those people

But try out Ford Focus 2.0...
It got same engine and wheelbase as a Mazda 3, try some European cars....
參考: Top gear TV Test reports
2007-11-26 8:14 am
Please improve your English skill, or type in Chinese.

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