Sony T2 同 Casio S880 邊部好? *BEST.ANS=30分

2007-11-24 12:11 am
Sony T2 同 Casio S880 邊部好?
講出邊部好D, 同 原因


定係有冇其他更好的? 3000$ 內 **唔要(厚,樣衰)


而家我只係想問:: T2 同 S880 ,,, 邊部好D,REASON! (唔諗其他啦@@)

回答 (3)

2007-11-25 2:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
既然樣靚最重要,不用再考慮,就揀 T2 吧,有多種顏色選擇,必定有一款合心意。
T2 的優點是內置了 4GB 記憶,不用額外買記憶卡,甚至可以當成數碼相簿使用。另外,薄,樣靚,夠輕。「一笑即拍」功能輕易捕捉笑容。另外是輕觸式屏幕,可以在相片上畫畫。最後是使用世界名廠蔡司高質素鏡頭和 Super SteadyShot 雙重防手震。
當然,這部機的賣點是娛樂和外形,很多額外的功能都與影相無關的,亦不可能同時要求相靚。如果不是規限了Sony T2 同 Casio S880 之中選一部 , 一定有更高質素的選擇。
參考: 兩部機的畫質都非常普通,與A720IS比較過便被完全比下去。
2007-11-25 10:56 pm
I think user friendliness is a big concern when you are to get a DC for your family. As such, I choose the S880. It has all practical features you need, plus a big bright screen, live histogram, and VERY user-friendly GUI, plus customisable L/R cursor buttons. If you pick one up, it won't take you much time to figure out how to change the settings etc. etc. VERY easy to use. (BTW, the Z1080 is another good alternative in the Casio lineup.)
But the T2? One word: gimmick. Anything with a touchscreen panel means user friendliness is a concern, especially since many userful functions are deeply buried in the menus. There are times when certain features need to be accessed with just one (or two) shortcut buttons. Adjusting exposure compensation in just a click or two? The T2 can't do that. ( I have used its first-generation N1 model before, and I can tell you just that.)
Also Sony's claims on Zeiss lenses and optical stablised optics are overexaggerated. An optical stabiliser in a DC oftentimes offers limited usable ranges such that under extreme conditions will you not able to utilise it. As for Zeiss lenses?? I have used Sony DCs before -- all having Zeiss lenses -- and I don't see much improvement in picture quality. Image quality often depends on the camera's processing capability (from captured data into an image), and I don't think Sony has done enough to improve that.
The other thing: memory card choice. Memory Stick Duo cards are still very expensive compared to the more popular SD cards. I have both cards, and I must say, the latter is of more usable value and compatiblity. Also, the MS-D is much thinner and is thus more fragile.
Sure, the T2 may have 4GB internal memory, but given its multimedia nature (which is a distraction), you think people would use it to store photos?? Give me a break -- music and movies maybe...
2007-11-24 2:24 am

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