Some information about acid rain(in English)

2007-11-24 12:07 am
I need it very very much!! Help me Plz~~

回答 (2)

2007-11-24 12:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Acid rain is rain or any other form of precipitation which is unusually acidic. It has harmful effects on plants, aquatic animals and buildings. Acid rain is mostly caused by human emissions of sulfur and nitrogen compounds which react in the atmosphere to produce acids. In recent years, many governments have introduced laws to reduce these emissions.


1 Definition
2 History
3 Emissions of chemicals leading to acidification

3.1 Natural Phenomena
3.2 Human activity
4 Chemical processes

4.1 Gas phase chemistry
4.2 Chemistry in cloud droplets
5 Acid deposition

5.1 Wet deposition
5.2 Dry deposition
6 Adverse effects

6.1 Surface waters and aquatic animals
6.2 Soils
6.3 Forests and other vegetation
6.4 Human health
6.5 Other adverse effects
7 Prevention methods

7.1 Technical solutions
7.2 International treaties
7.3 Emissions trading
8 See also
9 References
10 Further reading
11 External links
在化学上定义水之酸碱值等于七为中性,小于则是酸性。自然大气中含有大量二氧化碳,二氧化碳在常温时溶解于雨水中并达到气液相平衡后,雨水之酸碱值约为 5.6,因此大自然的雨水是酸的。
但是,在大自然中,仍存在其他致酸的物质,例如,火山爆发所喷出的硫化氢,海洋所释放出的二甲基硫,高空闪电所导致之氮氧化物等,均会使雨水进一步酸化,而酸碱值会降至 5.0 左右。因此,在 1980 年代后期以来,许多国内外(包含环保署研究报告)研究者,已将所谓“酸雨”认知为当雨水酸碱值在 5.0 以下时,即确定受到人为酸性污染物的影响。
在环保署研究报告中,已统一雨水酸碱值达 5.0以下时,正式定义为“酸雨”。例如,若以环保署台北酸雨监测站 1990-1998 年之有效雨水化学分析资料为准,显示约九成降水天数的雨水pH值在 5.6 以下,而酸雨发生机率则为七成五左右。


1 酸雨的组成
2 酸雨的危害

2.1 人类
3 建筑物和雕像
4 农作物
Information on Acid Rain in Hong Kong :
參考: web-sites

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