
2007-11-23 10:19 pm
1)Two vertical poles are 8m and 13m high respectively.They are 12 m apart.Find the distance between the top of the poles.
2)A car starts from P,it runs 15km due south and then 20 km due west to reach Q.
a)Find its distance from the starting pont.
b)If the speed of the car is 50km/h,how long does it take for the car to complete the journey?

回答 (3)

2007-11-23 10:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) [(13-8)^2+(12)^2]^1/2




2007-11-23 11:20 pm
The difference between the top of poles
= [ (13 - 8)^2 + 12^2] ^ (1/2) (Pyth. Thm.)
= (5^2 + 12^2) ^ (1/2)
= 169 ^ (1/2)
= 13m

Distance from the starting point
= (15^2+20^2)^(1/2)
= 625^(1/2)
= 25km

Time to complete
= (15+20) / 50
= 0.7 hour
= 42 min.

Change in 5 min
=10.64 C / 60 min x 5 min
= 0.8866666666666666666667 C

(a) 0.887
(b) 0.9
2007-11-23 10:53 pm
1)Two vertical poles are 8m and 13m high respectively.They are 12 m apart.Find the distance between the top of the poles.
>>>>>(the distance)^2 = [ (13-8)^2 + 12^2]

((((((c^2 = b^2 + a^2))))))))

2)A car starts from P,it runs 15km due south and then 20 km due west to reach Q.
a)Find its distance from the starting pont.
>>>>>>>>>同上面一樣!!!!((((((c^2 = b^2 + a^2))))))))自己draw a 圖出來就可以做到ga la~
>>>>>(the distance)^2 = [ (15)^2 + 20^2]

b)If the speed of the car is 50km/h,how long does it take for the car to complete the journey?
>>>>>>>>(15 + 20)/15
>>>>>>>>行左幾多,,再除以個speed>>>>>係一條要識ge equation>>>remember it!!!

3)The temperature in a room rose 10.64 degree Celsius in one hour.f the rise was uniform,what was the change of temperature in 5 minutes?
>>>>>>>>(10.64 / 60 ) * 5 = 0.88666666666666
>>>>>>>>first find 一分鐘 會升幾多度,,再 times 你要幾多分鐘

a)Correct your answer to 3 sig.fig.
>>>>0.887(to 3 sig.fig)>>>>>>四捨五入!!!!
b)Correct your answer to 1 d.p.
>>>>0.9(to 1 d.p.)

(a) & (b) 係進位的問題>>>>要識!!!!!

work hard!!!

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