呢 2 句錯左乜,又點樣重寫?

2007-11-23 9:58 pm
1. Pursuant to our telephone conversation this morning, please be advised that the new quotation and order form will be delivered to you by next Monday.

2. It clearly was the bank's fault, as I would not have continued to make purchases if I had known I was over my limit.

回答 (4)

2007-11-23 10:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 無咗個main verb 係 comma 前嗰句 或者係一個 adverbial clause
1. ACCORDING to our telephone conversation this morning, please be advised that the new quotation and order form will be delivered to you by next Monday.

2. It clearly was the bank's fault, as I would not have continued to make purchases if I had known I was over my limit.

continue 喺e個時候應該跟 gerund
有釨多verb 都係有咁ge 情況
跟 gerund 同 跟 to -infinitive 個意思係好大分別
e.g> regret, stop .....

2007-11-23 14:13:00 補充:
2. ... continued making ...
參考: the grammar I know
2007-11-24 1:39 am
1. Pursuant to our telephone conversation this morning, the new quotation and order form will be delivered to you by next Monday.

我想,不用please be advised that了,應直接講出你們在電話相方已同意的事,除非對方並不知情。

2. It clearly was the bank's fault, as I would not have continued to make purchases if I had known I was over my limit.

It clearly was the bank's fault, as I would not have continued to make purchases if I had known my usage / purchase had exceeded the limit.

I was over my limit - 意思是,我已超過我的限額。但其實應改係你的用量超過銀行給你的限額,所以係意思上有問題。

2007-11-24 12:25 am
1. Pursuant to our telephone conversation this morning, the new quotation and order form will be delivered to you by next Monday.

我想,不用please be advised that了,應直接講出你們在電話相方已同意的事,除非對方並不知情。

2. It clearly was the bank's fault, as I would not have continued to make purchases if I had known I was over my limit.

It clearly was the bank's fault, as I would not have continued to make purchases if I had known my usage / purchase had exceeded the limit.

I was over my limit - 意思是,我已超過我的限額。但其實應改係你的用量超過銀行給你的限額,所以係意思上有問題。

2007-11-23 10:27 pm
1. Pursuant to our telephone conversation this morning, please advised that the new quotation and order form will be delivered to you by next Monday.

2. It was clearly the bank's fault, as I would not have continued to make purchases if I had known I were over my limit.
參考: Me

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