Invitation Card

2007-11-23 6:28 pm
我想寫一張invitation card to invite 老師 to join the Christmas party.
想請問個格式同內容應該點寫??? ( in english )
thanks <3

回答 (2)

2007-11-23 9:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Teachers

We wish to extend to you our warm invitation to our Christmas Party. We would very much wish to celebrate this festive season with you. Please do join us for the exciting games, the festive food and all the fun!

Details of the party:
Date: x December 2008
Time: 9-12 noon

To enable us to plan ahead of the event and make necessary arrangements, we would be grateful if you could let us know if you will attend the party by contacting [name] of [phone number] by [date].

Yours sincerely
2007-11-23 7:07 pm
Dear xxx

You are cordially invited to join our Christmas Party on _______(date)________ at

The party will be held at ____(house of xxxx / venue)___.

Kindly RSVP by ___(date)___, _(name)_, _(phone)_.
參考: me

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