英文句子遲啲返點寫 ?

2007-11-23 6:09 pm
我想出 email 同人講 而家塞緊車 , 要遲啲返點樣寫 ? 請告知 ,謝謝

回答 (7)

2007-11-23 6:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
相信你應該係同office以外, 甚至係香港以外的人講, 重係可能用Blackberry覆e-mail, 如果唔係打個電話就掂啦, 所以應該係:

I'll be back to the office later due to the traffic jam. (由於塞車我會遲些才回到公司)

I'm in a traffic jam right now, I'll revert to you later when I'm back to the office. (我而家塞緊車, 遲D番到office才覆你.)
參考: Myself
2007-11-26 10:39 pm
Now traffic congestion, it is necessary to point to the latest.
2007-11-24 1:25 am
而家塞緊車 , 要遲啲返
I'll be back a bit late due to traffic congestion.
參考: SELF
2007-11-23 8:09 pm
Dear ???,

I'm stuck in traffic right now and I am going to be late. My apologies.

your name
參考: eva
2007-11-23 6:21 pm
Return later!
參考: Teacher
2007-11-23 6:15 pm
i'm in a traffic jam now, i'll be back later

hope i can help^^
參考: Me
2007-11-23 6:13 pm
Due to the traffic jam, i may come back late.

Sorry about that.

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