
2007-11-23 9:08 am
Where did you spend your holiday??
why did you choose that place for holiday??
how did you go there??
what was the weather like??
what were the activities that you enjoyed??
did you like the food and people there??


回答 (2)

2007-11-23 3:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
day 1 took aeroplane to heathrow airport. Went to London to look at old castles. As expected, it was dreary and wet and rainy. I went to see the big ben, took the original double decker bus, saw madam trousseau's wax museum. Food, i just ate mcdonald, because i didn't know how to order anything else. People spook english too quickly, I had difficulty understanding them. day 2 to 5, i went to Scotland and Ireland and Wales. It was weird, seeing so many green spaces. People there spoke with an accent, I already had difficulty understand a Londoner's english, Scottish english and Irish were just impossible. However, i did enjoy the pub life. For day 6 and 7, I went to France, by train. it was a really fast train. I went to paris because i wanted to see the effiel tower, go see mona lisa. Walk on the streets where Napoleon once walked. France was beautiful, nice weather. I love the food, even though it was a bit too much cheese. People are wonderful, they are carefree and live life to the fullest.
2007-11-23 4:39 pm
day 1 took aeroplane to heathrow airport. Went to London to look at old castles. As expected, it was dreary and wet and rainy. I went to see the big ben, took the original double decker bus, saw madam trousseau's wax museum. Food, i just ate mcdonald, because i didn't know how to order anything else. People spook english too quickly, I had difficulty understanding them. day 2 to 5, i went to Scotland and Ireland and Wales. It was weird, seeing so many green spaces. People there spoke with an accent, I already had difficulty understand a Londoner's english, Scottish english and Irish were just impossible. However, i did enjoy the pub life. For day 6 and 7, I went to France, by train. it was a really fast train. I went to paris because i wanted to see the effiel tower, go see mona lisa. Walk on the streets where Napoleon once walked. France was beautiful, nice weather. I love the food, even though it was a bit too much cheese. People are wonderful, they are carefree and live life to the fullest.


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