My friend is fat,,,?

2007-11-23 5:54 am
Ok so I'm 14 and my friend is 12
aNd she thinks she is fat...
( me too ) She is 125 lbs and 5 ft tall.
People make fun of her and she is so sad all the time.
I'm like her only friend and I support her,,,
but I want to help her lose weight.
How can she lose weight? I don't know much..
She needs to lose at least 20 Lbs. and quick!!

回答 (9)

2007-11-23 5:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
okay first of all.. she doesnt need to loose 20 pounds... maybe 5-10. she is not fat or overweight. if people make fun of her they are just sad people. im sorry but she isnt fat. she doesnt need to loose that much weight..

for a 12 year old girl.. shes fine as long as she eats right and exersizes.
2007-11-24 12:59 am
Tell her walk with her is you, and make her feel you support her. let her not to eat so much and do more exercise to keep her body fit
2007-11-23 2:16 pm
A person who is 5'0 has the idea weight range of 97-118. She is not that overweight, esp since she is only 12. At puberty you get taller and your weight really evens out.

When you are together just say something like "Hey you want to play soccer?" Or "Lets take the dog for a walk" and give her some fun supportive exercise. I don't think you should really say very much to her about her weight because if she already gets it from others, she doesn't want it from her best friend.

Oh, and it is not necessary to be a twig. Women need curves. If by chance she is black or hispanic she is at a very normal body weight and shape for her culture.
2007-11-23 2:10 pm
ask her to do more things with you as a way of bonding , like walk around an indoor track or say that gas is too bad for the environment and (if you live close to the school/each other) walk home. You can get her to work out with you at a gym, or try to introduce her to healthier foods. Sometimes when friends are around friends, and the friend isn't eating, then it is too awkward to eat.. and so they don't - that is a method... though not too good... try introducing her to a plate with vegetables and dip (so good) and other foods...
as a nice summary you can:
-get her to move around and exercise with you
-try to introduce a new diet
-try to lessen the amount she is eating
she won't feel so alone if you do it with her, and encouraging and compliments really help
this really isn't easy and you may need to be pretty committed
i really hope i helped!
2007-11-23 2:08 pm
Honestly, a lot of girls around that age start gaining weight because they go through puberty. Some hit it sooner (or later) than others, but eventually she'll even out and grow into herself.

If her weight is a problem to a point where it's actually unhealthy (which it doesn't look sister's 12, 5'3" and over 130 pounds, and she's not fat at all) try getting her involved in an after school sport or something. If she can't find anything she likes, you could suggest jogging every day or every other day just to get her heart rate high. Of course, eating healthy is a good idea, too.

But seriously...if she's 12, she doesn't need to be concerned about her weight yet. It might just be her body type. She needs to learn that true beauty is not about what's on the outside.
參考: Personal experience.
2007-11-23 2:04 pm
i feel that Ur friend needs
even if she doesn't loose her weight ask her not to be disappointed........
2007-11-23 2:02 pm
she must walk alot and stay far away from un healthy food
2007-11-23 1:59 pm
you could offer to walk with her or find another source of exercise. try putting it in a way that will not leave her feeling bad about herself. tell her that you would like to be healthier and thought it would be easier if you could find a buddy to walk with every day. after she loses a few pounds she will see the difference and want to keep going
2007-11-23 1:58 pm

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