X-ray tube(10點)

2007-11-23 7:14 am
in X-ray tube,electrons emitted from filament cathode 以高速擊打 heavy metal with high melting point,which acts as anode.點解d electrons會立刻減速(減kenetic energy)來轉換成x-ray when hitting the metal,而不是繼續以高速pass through the heavy metal and the circuit?

x-ray tube的結構我不說了

回答 (1)

2007-11-23 12:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
電子當然打不穿heavy metal with high melting point,which acts as anode
高速運動中的電子打不穿目標,所以只有減速(減kinetic energy),其他能量變成X-ray (EM wave 的一種)。
參考: me ^^

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