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It is not called Auric's theorem, it is a proof (infinitely many prime numbers) only.
Auric's proof
Assume that there are only finite prime let say p1,p2,...pn
Then let N=(pn)^t where t is an integer t>=1
By unique factorization theorem for all 1<=m<=N
m=(p1)^(f1)*(p2)^(f2)... (pn)^(fn)
Now we have (p1)^(fi)<=m<=N<= (pn)^t [1<=i<=n]
So (p1)^(fi)<=(pn)^t
fi<=tE (where E=ln(pn)/ln(p1))
Also the total number m in the N is less than or equal to the number of sequence f1, f2, f3, ... fn can formed,
So we have (pn)^t<(tE+1)^n<=t^n(E+1)^n
However this is impossible if t is sufficiently large, so our assumption is wrong and there are infinite number of primes.
2007-11-23 00:40:00 補充:
參考: The New Book of Prime Number Records by Paulo. Ribenboim