
2007-11-23 6:10 am


回答 (2)

2007-11-24 7:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.The League of Nation had successed in some disputes such as over Panzig , Silesia and the Aaland Islands . However , the League of Nation had more weakness . The clearest one , it could not stop the WW2 breakout . The League of Nation had two large defects which were no independent army and had not powerful members .When the League of Nation punished other countries , it only gave moral condemnation them first and then it would carried out economic sanction and it would use the military force which got from member countries . Nevertheless , it only took action to economic sanction and the result was not good because of few member countries .
Also , although the person of suggesting to organize the League of Nation was the president of the USA , it did not take part in this organization. The USSR also took prt in the League of Nation in a short time . Because of lacking of two super countries , the effect of the League of Nation was not large.
2. Yes ,I argee because the UN has more member countries including the USA and the USSR(Russia) .So , the power of effect is larger than the League of Nation .
參考: ME
2008-03-28 3:53 am

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:33:57
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