
2007-11-23 2:34 am
Correct the following mistakes.
1. Somebody want to replace the black leather shoes. 2. The girl summer uniform is wear a light blue blouse...I think this design is old fashion. 3. I prefer a black leather shoes to the light blue low-neeled shoes.... 4. I suggest to wear crew-neck long-sleeves shirt, to use black trousers and black leather shoes.

回答 (2)

2007-11-23 2:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Somebody (wants) to replace the black leather shoes.
2. The (girl's) summer uniform is a light blue blouse...I think this design is (old-fashioned)
3. I prefer a (pair of) black leather shoes to the light blue low-neeled (one)....
4. I suggest (wearing) crew-neck long-sleeves shirt, (using) black trousers and black leather shoes.
2007-11-23 3:03 am
1 somebody wants to replace the black leather shoes
2 the girls' summer uniform is a light blue blouse... i think this design is old fashioned
3 i prefer a black leather shoes than the light blue low-keeled ones...
4 i suggest wearing crew-neck shirt with long-sleeves than black trousers and black leather shoes.

2007-11-22 19:03:57 補充:
3 without a, or a pair of

2007-11-22 19:06:02 補充:
4 i suggest wearing crew-neck shirt with long-sleeves, black trousers, and black leather shoes.i would..i suggest wearing crew-neck shirt with long-sleeves, in association with black trousers, together with (a pair of... or not... you choose) black leather shoes.

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