
2007-11-23 2:15 am
係about Christmas!!!
I like eating turkey very much, so Turkey is my favorite food in the Christmas. I have a story about Christmas. Before very long time, once some farmer, ran into a poverty-stricken child in Christmas day that day, he warmly has received this child. Child just before leaving when folds next pine to insert on the place, pine turns a tree immediately, above all hangs all over the gift, thanks farmer's good intention. This is a Christmas.

回答 (3)

2007-11-23 2:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
(....)=corrections to the mistakes

1).......very much, so (turkey) is my .....(turkey don't need capital
letter, if it's in capital letter, that will be a country=>土耳其)

2)Before very long time, once some farmer, ran into a poverty-stricken child in Christmas day that day,he warmly has received this child.
=>(Once upon a time), (there were) some farmer(s), a poverty-stricken child ran into them (on) Christmas, (one of the farmers) (kindly adopted) the child.

3)Child just before leaving when folds next pine to insert on the place,......
=>The child (buried pines on the ground) just before he (left the farmer's house)

4)pine turns a tree immediately, above all hangs all over the gift, thanks farmer's good intention. This is a Christmas.
=>the pines (buried turned) into (trees which presents were hanging on, thanking the farmer's looking after.) (This is the story for the origin of Christmas.)
2007-11-23 2:46 am
I don't think so
參考: me
2007-11-23 2:42 am
1. turkey should not be capitalized in the second stanza
2. no "the" in front of "Christmas"
3. no "before" in front of "very"
4. once "a" farmer
5. in Christmas day OR that day, one or the other
6. has warmly
7. "The child folded a pine and inserted on the place(mud place= =) before he left"
8. the pine turned into a tree immediately. <---- fullstop
9. "In succession, people hang gifts on trees on this particular day in respect to such a generous farmer, which became a tradition all over the world."
10. "This is the story about Christmas." <----new paragraph

2007-11-22 18:42:43 補充:

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