
2007-11-23 1:28 am

回答 (2)

2007-11-23 2:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先梗係要開咗個投資戶口先啦, 你入咗網上理財, click投資後你要入去網上認購新股, 跟住d步驟一步一步做, 佢有好清楚嘅提示, 最緊要係你個戶口要有充足資金, 如果唔係就做唔到. 如果抽到的話, 會在上市前一日收到通知及在晚上八時後會入咗落你戶口到,到上市日你可以即時買賣, 如果抽唔到的話, 就會經網上理財戶口過數入你到.
2007-11-23 2:52 am
first, go to hsbc.com.hk (you don't need to log on at this moment)
and at the left hand side, click on the 3rd one - Investment, then again
and at the left hand side, click on the 3rd one - IPO
and look at your right hand side, if there is any IPO which can apply via them, then you will see that listed on the IPO Listing, then you will see there is and 'info'/'apply' button next to that security/stock name, then you click on it, then just follow the instruction (practically just click and select of the Terms and Conditions), then you will see they ask you to log on, so, now, you log on and then process the remaining procedure, such as choosing the number of shares and account to be debit for the funds and as well, whether you would like to process a loan for such application - if you use an integrated account, i.e. Premier/PowerVantage/SmartSavings are offering IPO loan
so, that's pretty much it, just follow their instructions carefully from after you log on.

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