
2007-11-23 1:13 am
1.The Green Village is beautiful but there is not public transports.
2.Although the city is convenient,but it is noisy.
3.I live close to a volcano is exciting.
4.I have playing computer so I like live in the city.
5.I can got fishing and go to swimming.

仲有幾題.. 6.Although the wooden house is cheap,there is small. 7.The wooden houses is have the beach. 8.Although the resort is expensive,there can see the beautiful scene. 9.The resort's life is very comfortable. 10.The city is convenient of shopping.

回答 (3)

2007-11-23 1:59 am
1.The Green Village is beautiful but there is no public transports.
2.Although the city is convenient, it is noisy.
3.I live close to a volcano but l think it is exciting.
4. have playing computer games so I like live in the city.
5.I can got to fishing and go to swimming.
7.The wooden houses is have the beach,so l like living here.
參考: me
2007-11-23 1:28 am
1.The Green Village is so beautiful but there is no public transports
2. Although the city is convenient, it is so noisy.
3. I live close to a volcano and it is exciting
4. I play computer, so I like to live in the city.
5. I like fishing and swimming.

Just try, see more replies.
2007-11-23 1:23 am
1.The Green Village is beautiful but there is NO public transports.
2.Although the city is convenient, it is noisy. ( DELETE "BUT" )
3.I live close to a volcano is exciting. ( IT IS EXCITING TO LIVE CLOSELY TO A VOLCANO )
4.I LIKE playing computer so I like liveING in the city.
5.I can GO fishing and go to swimming.

6.Although the wooden house is cheap,THEY ARE small.
7.The wooden houses is NEAR the beach.
8.Although the resort is expensive,WE can see the beautiful scene THERE .
9.The resort's life is very comfortable.
10.The city is convenient of shopping. ( IT IS CONVIENTENT TO SHOP IN THE CITY )

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