跑步後, "膝頭哥" 開始有啲痛, 點辦 ?

2007-11-22 8:13 pm
本身不是胖子, 用跑步機跑了近一個月了, 一星期跑兩天, 每次45分鐘, 現在"膝頭哥" 開始有啲痛, 點算! 又唔想停止, 因為覺得跑步係最有效嘅心肺運動.

回答 (2)

2007-11-22 8:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我個人建議:你係想身體健康,最好出外跑步,好處: 跑街道/緩跑徑 有少少上上落落會對膝頭既負擔減輕一些,同埋跑步時候,每一步都唔好將身體重心向 膝頭施加壓力
另外 每一步落地既時候,千萬別用 腳踝落地,用前腳掌落地,腳踝落地同時,膝頭亦都會因為落地既短暫一刻,被上身施壓,跑緊既時候係唔會察覺

膝頭咁快痛亦有一個原因,亦可能同你既 飲食習慣有關,多d飲牛奶(高鈣)同埋多d 碳水化合物既食物 例姑: 麵包,香蕉
參考: 中學時期,教練師兄 教既
2007-11-23 1:00 pm
The following are my suggestions:

Try to do a longer warm up before your normal run.
Try to do a longer cool down after your normal run.
See yourself how to run in a mirror, so you can check if you did something wrong on your knee.
If your knee still hurt, try to swim or run in the pool, it is also the best alternative.
Don't try to run on conrete, it may hurt your knee more.
Running on a treadmill is not that bad, but grass is softer. Try to run on grass and see if your knee still hurt.
Of course, the best way is consult with your doctor, then he/she can determine what's wrong.
參考: I am a runner too!

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