重有冇人想移民 ?

2007-11-22 5:54 pm


回答 (8)

2007-11-28 9:02 pm
well, that is your personal choice and reason to do so.
i like to live in US, i can't imagen if i will be happy to come back and live in Hong Kong again. i had lived in HK 19 years before i left. the high school and college are fun and great. many chinese friends plus friends from others countries. the job market is not bad and whole lots of opportunities to try out. yes, it is discrimination, so do we, we don't like some other countries' people too. as long they don't come to bother you. but at least everyone are poctected by the same law. believe it or not, most my high school and college chinese friends are make it in here. regretless they are came from HK, TW or China. most of them nowaday are millionaire or very close to be one, hard work, not lazy, and know what you can do and what you looking for is the key.
some places included HK, you will need people relation and background to help you. i am just a average guy, nothing special, so so in school, a very simple typical chinese immegret family, knowing nobody or strong background support in here. i was
earning 4,5 dollars a hour in my after school job. by the time i started my own business, i had to work 15,17 hours a day, 7 days a week. it was so horrible and scarely peroid to me. but now i am retired in age 43 , owning some nice cars, live in a 1.25 millions dollars 3700 sq ft home plus 4 rental houses. if i stay in HK, i might be just another little guy working for someone and never will and never think of one day i can live like this.
HK is a great place but it is too small and China have too many people, the competition is very tough. but other counrties, like Cnanda and US still full of opportunities and choices. you may not became very rich ( it is very hard and need lots of luck ), but be a middle class people like me should be happy.
2007-11-26 7:02 am

There are many HK poor people complaining HKSAR government's social welfare policies from time to time. HK social welfare policies is bad.
2007-11-23 8:46 pm

2007-11-23 8:41 pm
2007-11-23 11:26 am
加拿大嘅生活唔係個個適合, 只有你自己先知道加拿大是否你希望居住嘅地方. 你要問你自己是否喜歡以下嘅感覺:
1 吸一啖新鮮嘅空氣
2 飲一杯唔駛煲都飲得嘅水
3 只要肯讀書, 政府都會提供資助
4 將來自己嘅兒女有接受良好嘅教育機會
5 有失業及醫療保障
6 出街居然有唔識你嘅人同你講早晨
7 一年365日有大部份時間見到個天, 而且係藍色嘅 (莫非眼花?)
8 出外散步居然可以聞到松樹發出嚟嘅香氣
9 夜靜嘅時候真係可以感覺到"靜"呢種感受, 原來靜真係冇雜音
10 原來放假真係可以同屋企人留响屋企享受乜嘢叫做家庭樂, 唔係一定要出街食飯
11 發覺叫朋友番嚟自屋企攪大食會, 十幾二十人都有地方招呼
12 出去逛商場居然冇人推你行
13 同朋友傾計原來唔係一定要講飲講食, 或者講點樣炒股票都可以搵到好多話題
14 放學或放工番居然有人响居企高興地等你番嚟
15 感受到原來"悶"或者冇嘢做係另外一種享受
16 原來唔駛病都可以早啲瞓覺
17 發覺原來錢真係有好多嘢都買唔到
18 領悟到加拿大嘅24小時同香港嘅24小時係唔同, 香港踩盡24小時都唔夠用, 而加拿大嘅24小時居然有淨, 仲可以多到去幫啲三唔識七嘅人
19 覺得自己有超能力, 見到將來自己老咗唔駛執紙皮, 汽水罐
20 原來人係會死個喎, 辛苦做又要死, 唔辛苦做又要死, 點解自己會揀辛苦嗰隻...真奇
唔好意思, 打到手輭.....你自己諗啦
參考: 自己亂嗡
2007-11-23 12:26 am
2007-11-22 8:45 pm
2007-11-22 6:10 pm
參考: 我的祖國

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