
2007-11-22 9:11 am
我在yahoo拍賣放了部手機上去賣,但有個人自稱是加拿大叫我寄去非洲的尼日尼亞那裡,他還send了一封抬頭是Abbey Bank 的電郵給我,但又有一封自稱是Abbey Bank的又會抬頭 ,又指定叫我寄DHL,再給銀行tracking no 先會過數比我喎~ 外國的銀行是不是這樣做法的? 好古怪呢! 我有朋友都在yahoo賣野,亦收到不同的yahoo account的人叫他寄貨,但又咁啱又係同一個地址:
Name : Isaiah Abiola
Address : # 27 Pielodun Street,Ui Orogun Ibadan
City : Ibadan
State : Oyo State
ZipCode : 23402
Country : Nigeria
Phone# : +2348072869790

回答 (5)

2007-11-22 9:27 am
✔ 最佳答案

那些人當然是不可信 ... 他們不單只是騙手機,
重會騙其他的貴重物品, 如手表, 名筆, 遊戲機.... 等

是不是類似這 3 段 ??
以上問題是節錄自我在 Yahoo Auction 的拍賣

http://hk.f1.page.au ctions.yahoo.com/hk/ auction/1114532171http://hk.f2.page.auctions.yahoo.com/hk/auction/b6956282

pcckwa (無) : Dear seller, My name is Miss Yau Liza From Hong Kong but Presently in USA for a Business,I am interested in Buying your item which i saw on Yahoo Auction. I want the item urgently but as an offer price, I will like to pay HKD$2,500.00 for the item but of the price I have offered is not enough you can let me know the real cost kindly mail me back to my personal e-mail address.([email protected] or you can add me to [email protected])...Thanks

deji2k32008 (0) : hello seller, This is Thomas Smith i will like to buy some of your item for my client in Nigeria and i will be paying you via Bank Transfer which is very secure and safe on both sides of the sellers and the buyers.So send me mail to: [email protected] and also add me to MSN on: [email protected]

lin_ross1999 (無) : Hello,i am Mr Cole Wayne from United Kingdom I have interest in your item to send to my STORE in GEORGIA and they will need it as soon as possible and i will offer you $1000.00 USD for the item including the shipment cost by DHL COURIER SERVICE DELIVERY to my store in GEORGIA in EUROPE and let me know if the amount is okay for you and i will pay you via BANK TRANSFER and Reply me back to [email protected] Regards, Cole.

那些人當然是不可信 ... 他們不單只是騙手機,
重會騙其他的貴重物品, 如手表, 名筆, 遊戲機.... 等

其實真正的外國買家 :
(a) 大部份是會 paid by WESTERN UNION, Paypal , Cash on Post
......而不會選費用高昂的 Bank to Bank Transfer
(b) 不會告訴您, 買東西的原因
(c) 不會自稱 Miss xxxx or Mr. xxxx, 因為那是對別人的尊稱.

"用電郵寄出那DHL的單句.那銀行才會把錢轉入我的銀行內"<&amp;lt; 又是騙您的

銀行一天會有上萬 Transactions
試問有哪間銀行會替客人核對對方的DHL的單句 ?
那麼小的交易 .... 銀行那會花這麼多的人力物力呢 ?

告訴他們假的銀行資料 (因為我都玩過他們)

已經把 $$ 滙出.
叫您用電郵寄出那 DHL 的單句.

那時, 您可以造一個假的 DHL 的單給他們....
Hahaa 騙子便會出很多個 Emails 問您貨在哪裡.??
2009-01-23 7:33 pm


2007-11-28 12:53 am
我都收到..... 好在上網search 一下... 如果唔係都中蕉.......

Dear Seller, Im david mike presently in Canada.Im highly
interested in purchasing your item placed on YAHOO AUCTION for my son
in Nigeria.I will offer you 1200USD for 2 set of your items plus shipment by EMS SPEED POST.Payment will be made through Bank To Bank
Transfer (Direct transfer to your bank account).I want you to reply me to
my personal E-mail for further conversation via:-([email protected])
2007-11-22 6:20 pm
2007-11-22 9:32 am


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