有關 airasia 訂機票事宜

2007-11-22 8:20 am
之前買機票去吉隆坡玩幾日,而家想去埋浮羅交怡 ,於是試airasia 搵機票,
但用visa 俾錢時,次次都error, 已經打去card centre 問,張card 無問題,之前都book 到其他野,但今次用different bank 都唔得(HSBC and 東亞),打長途電話去airasia 又always busy..........唔知點算

回答 (2)

2007-11-23 2:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
i think you can describe a bit on the error (ie error message/error code) then will be easier to help you
when you process a payment online, usually they need to process the security check either via the VVS code (3 digits code that printed at the back of your credit card) or you have to have the Verified by Visa, and as for this, if you are using HSBC's visa card, you have to first go to HSBC online banking, then log on to your profile, and under the Cards section, at the right hand side, you will see an icon Verified by Visa - Registration .... go register frist and try to process the payment again and see
If you still have other questions/problems on the payment, you can try to describe a bit further and will try to help you out again
2007-11-22 7:28 pm
我都係在airasia 買機票。一d問題都無。

visa 俾錢時,要填張卡背面的三個數字,你有無填錯?


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