Are men more or less emotionally inclined than women?

2007-11-22 1:27 am
Thomas Wolf wrote...“A Young man is so strong, so mad, so certain, and so lost. He has everything and he is able to use nothing”.
Is this accurate? Are men truly emotionally inferior to women? Or, are they simply more apt to hide their emotional nature behind bravado? What role does society play in the seeming incapacity of men to display emotion without stigma?

回答 (7)

2007-11-22 12:51 pm
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Men are every bit as emotional as women, but MUST control their emotions or become monsters. There are plenty of wildly emotional men around--murderers, rapists, etc. The connections between the right and left sides of the brain are damaged in the womb on all male children, but it's uneven--not every boy has the same level of connection between the two halves. Also anyone who's been around boys knows how emotional they can be, and of course men remember perfectly well how they'd cry over a skinned knee at the age of 6 or 8.

Women's brains have far greater connections between the logical and emotional sides of the brain. Men tend to think of women as childish for no reason other than they might still cry at a skinned knee even when they're 50. It's only recently that anybody started to understand the reason behind the differences, and now we know that women literally feel pain more than men.

The reason why men have to learn to control their emotions is because of the limited connections between the right and left halves of the brain. Once emotion takes over it's harder to switch back, and likewise if the left half is running the show it can dampen pain, fear, etc. Unlike women, who are using the whole shebang at once, men shift back and forth to a much larger degree. And men who don't learn to control their emotions end up being criminals if not monsters or just plain insane.

So it isn't so much that men are less emotional but that they can much more easily control and hide their emotions. And the the role of society is to provide reasons for men to become heroes instead of monsters. The differences in brain function make men better soldiers, firemen, policemen, etc. There's a reason that there are hundreds of stories throughout history of men like Rodger Young, who was shot four times and yet crawled on and took out a Japanese bunker with a grenade before he died. There are very few stories of women doing anything like that--and it's not because women are inherently cowardly as was believed by the Greeks and practically all philosophers since. A man can force his brain to keep working on the left side despite terror and pain, while a woman with exactly the same wound feels it far more, and the emotional intensity is higher too. So for a woman to do exactly what Rodger Young did would be far more heroic, and though he got the Congressional Medal of Honor they'd have to invent a new medal for a woman who matched his deed.

One additional note: this is not deception. Men really don't feel emotions as intensely as women. But it is a great aid in deception. Women tend to think of emotion as being genuine; that some burst of emotion is more real (in a man) because he's usually in control. This is the most effective technique used when trying to seduce a woman. The left brain stays in control, ruthlessly allowing emotion to appear at judicious intervals to trick the woman into believing it's genuine. Women do the same thing of course, but then seducing a man isn't really all that hard, is it?
2007-11-23 9:35 pm
I'm not sure what you mean by emotionally inferior.

I think men feel things differently than women. A man will react differently to the same situation. Where women often feel hurt, a man, in the same situation, will react with anger.

I'm not sure if men hide their emotions, or if we learn to control them better because ours tend to be more aggressive and socially unacceptable. Yes, I think society has a strong influence on how men hide/control their emotions.
2007-11-22 9:37 am
emotional is human being only have! so man or woman will have same emotion but man is feel shame to show emotion in front of a woman. Woman is not easy to control the emotion, man easy control it but it will make more problem that effect his living. eg a man cry , he dont want to cry in front of a woman, but the temperate will become wrose. So i dont think man is as good as he can control the emotional, i think more emotion is a good health in a human being living,
2007-11-22 8:52 am
Men are absolutely emotional. I can tell you this, firstly, because I am one. But beyond that...have you ever witnessed men watching a sports event? There are some serious emotions there. Of course, the emotional stimuli are not limited to sports, but I think that men are charged with being "emotionless" simply because the things that stimulate their emotions are different from women.
2016-10-25 9:35 am
because women human beings's aggression and the outcome of it are a lot less obtrusive. get jointly, if a guy hits a lady it truly is sparkling what has occurred, yet when a lady nags a guy for 40 years, or if she spreads rumours about a workmate, the outcomes will be very unfavorable (melancholy and suicide, ruined occupation) even if the reason of the outcomes is way less basic to change into attentive to.
2007-11-22 4:58 am
I think it depends more person to person than really a gender issue. Of course there are hormones and such that interfere, but the way a person presents their emotions is entirely their own.
2007-11-22 3:08 am
most men are not emotional. They see things in a different way than we do. It is called left brain right brain thinkers.

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