why do my friends judge my boyfriends?

2007-11-22 12:53 am
my friends judge my boyfriend..but im happy what should i do???

回答 (7)

2007-11-22 12:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
it's normal. the thing is, when you are in love, you become blinded with your guy's flaws. that's when your friends come in. they'll make you realize about the things that you should be aware of. they're just concerned about you, so don't take it negatively. :) smile!
2007-11-22 9:28 am
It's a given for a person's friends to judge their bff's boyfriend. It happens a lot more than you think it does. Your friends are doing the right thing i guess. I mean, real friends always look out for each other especially on the aspect of LOVE since most people who feel "IN LOVE" might (at some point), get too engrossed with the feeling that they become blinded by their partner's flaws and tend to ignore the possibility that they are not really meant for each other.

Cut your friends some slack 'coz maybe they're trying to give you some hints that you could do better...But anyways, the choice is yours, like it or not, you really have to choose between your friends and your lover. Good luck! :)

Btw, it's normal to feel happy on the first year of a relationship 'coz it's the "bliss phase"
2007-11-22 9:01 am
sometime they have your best interest at heart. But sometimes you can have something they want so they will judge him because they don't have a boyfriend or they are jealous of your relationship. If they your good friend they will your back.
2007-11-22 9:00 am
cuz they dont understand how much he loves u and the love u share...
if they dont understand then they dont want u to be happy.......
they arent ur real friends

heres one thing follow ur heart it leads ur the right way trust me on this2!
2007-11-22 8:57 am
They are only trying to protect you if they are your real friends
2007-11-22 8:56 am
Sometimes your friends might see it better. If you don't like let your friend knows about it.
2007-11-22 8:56 am
It's your life and you choose.

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