my friend backstabbed me?

2007-11-22 12:36 am
i was going to ask out this girl and everyone knew that and she liked me and him. he sat inbetween me and her and asked her out right before i was. should i hate him for that

回答 (5)

2007-11-23 3:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
Look..... It all depends how old your are. I mean if your in your 20's+ then id say your friend knew exactly what he was doing and isnt worth the time. If however your still young then id advise you to learn from this situation but not too take it too seriously.
In life everyone at some point is shocked at what their friends do/dont do for/to them
2007-11-22 12:47 am
This remind me of my best friend, his roomate asked the girl out right before he did. Of course my friend feel hurt at that time. Know what happend? They both got married with their own wife and kids but neither was married to that girl. When they talk about this they both laugh about it now.
2007-11-22 12:43 am
Just remember that in life, you are just one fish out of 6 billion in a wide and vast ocean.
2007-11-22 12:40 am
No, when you snooze you lose.
2007-11-22 12:40 am
no... not if he is your friend... tell him you aren't happy about it.. but dun kill ur friendship over a silly girl...

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