AAH IM 13 and im PREGNANT?

2007-11-21 11:18 pm
Me and my boyfriend was at school after school hours and we had sex in the classroom! I told him not to *** inside my *** hole but he did! Now I'm pregnant! aaah! I went to the doctors and they said the baby is a boy! My boyfriend is 56 years old and is a hobo! aaah

Hahaha the replys are too funny hehehe...

回答 (10)

2007-11-21 11:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yeah right. It's so obvious that you are looking for a reaction with this ridiculous post. For one, your avatar is a boy. That's not even a nice try, it's pathetic. I will take the two points though.
2007-11-22 7:23 am
wow does that suck.
2007-11-22 7:22 am
your full of crap
2007-11-22 7:30 am
Ha ha ha, this is the dummest joke i've ever read. And sorry I don't think is funny at all. It just shows your stupidity. But thanks for the 2 points though.
2007-11-22 7:24 am
i think ur a ******* whore
2007-11-22 7:24 am
bummer days baby...you play you pay....
2007-11-22 7:22 am
I think you're full of crap.
2007-11-23 11:49 am
you're a boy and pregnant? Oh, that's cool!!

omg, im so sorry your boyfriend is a hobo. poor man

i hope you give birth nicely and there are no health issues. Good luck, ♥
2007-11-22 7:33 am
ha! i hope ya baby has down syndrome
2007-11-22 7:27 am
You're full of it.
All lies right there...

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